Discover the latest cyber threat trends

Presented by

Michelle Drolet, Founder & CEO | Towerwall

About this talk

What does your cybersecurity posture look like in 2023? Tune into this webinar from Towerwall Founder and CEO Michelle Drolet as she discusses the latest cyberthreat trends and provides the necessary insights to defend against evolving attacks. Based on the research and real-world experiences, we will discuss: • The lasting cyber impact of the war in Ukraine. • The maturity of the “as-a-service” industry and how it has put advanced threat tactics into the hands of nearly any criminal. • How ransomware operators have evolved their activities and mechanisms, both to evade detection and to incorporate novel techniques. • A deep dive into the abuse of legitimate security tools by criminals to execute attacks. • An analysis of the threats facing Linux, Mac, and mobile systems.
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