Emerging cloud leaders are seeking industry collaboration, best practices, and insights on how to tame the thorny stems of multi-cloud security. Contending with technology, talent and governance challenges, join NetApp's Jyoti Wadhwa, as she shares how leaders can deploy a proven approach to realize the promises of greater efficiency, lower cost, and real-time security of the cloud.
For fellow security practitioners and leaders, she will address both strategic and operational aspects of multi-cloud security ranging on mission critical topics of migrating an organization’s on-premise data center capabilities to developing standardized architectures and leading enterprise-wide adoption. In her discussion, Jyoti will cover 5 leadership strategies to achieve multi-cloud security:
1. Disentangle the Tech.
2. Unify the Cloud Team.
3. Build your Experts.
4. Update Security Governance.
5. Effectively Communicate.