The Tone in the Middle: The Biggest Hindrance to a Cybersecurity Culture

Presented by

Steven Ross, Executive Principal | Risk Masters International

About this talk

Senior management is generally supportive of cybersecurity and lower-level staff do what they’re told to do. Middle management, however, is beset by perverse incentives to sell, sell, sell; cut costs; and do more with less. This leaves them without enough mind-space left to focus attention on cybersecurity. Tune into this cyber-session to discover tips and ideas covering: --Finding and fixing the middle management weak spots. --The consequences of a cybersecurity culture based on inaction. --Potential solutions, tailored for middle managers, to enhance a cybersecurity culture. About the speaker: Steve holds certification as a Master Business Continuity Professional (MBCP) as well as a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA). He is a specialist in business continuity management, IT disaster recovery planning, and information security and has implemented programs for numerous banks, government agencies, and industrial corporations. Before founding Risk Masters, Steve was with Deloitte & Touche as the leader of their Business Continuity Management practice. In recent years, his focus has been on the resilience of large business and technology environments. He is editor of the multi-volume series, e-Commerce Security, and author of several of the books in the series.
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