Master the 3 Levels of Risk Decision-Making Impacting your Security Team

Presented by

Nathan Wenzler, Chief Security Strategist, Tenable

About this talk

Your security team manages risks that affect business units and functions across your entire organization. Security is threaded through every aspect of your business, and your decisions have never mattered more. On a daily basis, you make decisions that affect day-to-day operations, data and system security, executive-level strategy and direction and quite possibly, the future success of your organization. Security leaders straddle the lines of executive, strategic, and tactical decision making, and must be experts at navigating all three of these levels. We're wearing many hats, often switching between them from meeting to meeting, and it's imperative that we can effectively communicate and drive decisions that improve and mature our security efforts across the board. This session will explore ways to enhance engagement with technical teams, business units and executives alike, while still maturing your security program to be more efficient and effective at managing and mitigating risk. Concepts and topics covered will include: • The 3 levels of decision making you must navigate on a daily basis and how they impact the rest of the organization • Applying meaningful metrics to demonstrate value to executives and mature program operations for optimal effectiveness Finding program gaps where remediation efforts or SLA compliance is lagging, and taking steps to help affected teams improve and succeed • An example use case from Tenable in how these aligned metrics can demonstrate tangible business value at all levels of the organization
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