Organisations of all sizes are having to learn and adapt with a turbulent economic landscape where the wider business environment plays a bigger role than ever. As we embrace a time of unparalleled change, cyber and tech professionals, of all levels, are going to need to embrace professional development to prepare for uncertain times. But, how many know how to show the evidence of their skill set, and their desire and ability to learn more?
Assoc. Prof Dr. Abel Yeboah-Ofori will lead this webinar on how to develop your skills in cyber security whilst in your role and will explore: What the market looks like for cyber professionals, of all levels, right now, Why your professional profile will help you stand out and How CPD can showcase what you already know and embed the skills to drive you towards your next role.
Abel has published about 40 Journals and Conference papers in high Impact Journals including IEEE, and Emerald amongst others. His areas of expertise and research interest include Cyber Supply Chain Security, Cyber Physical Systems Security, Digital Forensics, Cyber Threat Intelligences, Cloud Security and Machine Learning.
Abel was co-opted to write the Cyber Security Policy for Ghana. He has been involved in multiple projects and other Cybersecurity consultancy services which he has contributed as both a researcher and a developer in projects for Child Online Africa in collaboration with UNICEF and Ghana Telecom Industries. Abel in collaborating with DWP organized a Cyber Security Career Fair 2024 at UWL and invited major companies including Google, NCSC, BBC, TikTok, Deloitte, Police, UK Army, UK Parliament.