We present a quantum leap in this respect: to use quantitative research and machine learning supported by solid academic credentials to produce the data that private markets need to measure value and risk, as you would in listed asset classes.
In this webinar, we’ll show you:
• A sophisticated classification taxonomy of private assets that precisely captures the characteristics and nuances of private assets.
• How model-based valuation anchoring data can solve the perennial problem of “stale NAVs”, allow marking assets using a model-based valuation “anchor”, and offer applications in position keeping and investment selection.
• A range of private market indices and benchmarks that aggregate the monthly valuations of thousands of private firms in 100 countries to create genuine measure of market dynamic that can be used in portfolio or fund benchmarking, manager selection, or making strategic investment and allocation decisions.
Presented by:
– Abhishek Gupta, Associate Director and Head of Product Development, Scientific Infra and Private Assets
– Srinivasan Selvam, Senior Product Development Specialist, EDHEC Infrastructure and Private Assets Research Institute
Moderated by Brendan Maton