Accelerate Application Modernization With the AI-Powered AveriSource Platform™️

Presented by

Ed Airey (VP of Marketing, AveriSource) | Stephen Hodges (Director of Solutions, AveriSource)

About this talk

Are you curious how AI could help accelerate your modernization strategy? Plan, document, and map your complete modernization journey with confidence. Transform your mainframe and mid-range applications written in COBOL, RPG, Assembler, PL/I, Natural (and more) while extracting business rules, as well as optimizing code quality and maintenance. Join this webinar and discover how the AveriSource Platform™ can help you: — Quickly assess risk and complexity for any application transformation project — Document and discover application architecture, dependencies, data lineage, and relationships across your entire legacy codebase — Identify and extract business rules within your applications while reducing technical debt — Leverage AI modeling to transform legacy code written in COBOL or RPG to Java, C#, or microservices — Deploy transformed code to any platform, free from proprietary runtimes, library dependencies, vendor, or platform lock-in Interested in learning more? Tune in at 2 p.m. ET on Thursday, July 11 to start your modernization journey. Unable to make the live event? Register for the webinar to watch the video on-demand after the discussion concludes.
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Founded and forged during Y2K planning, AveriSource accelerates legacy modernization through application analysis, business rules extraction and AI-powered code transformation. Our mission is to reduce the time, risk, and cost of application modernization—all within a single platform. Trusted by global Fortune 500 companies, the AveriSource Platform™ has analyzed over two billion of lines of code and has enabled more than 250 successful modernization projects. AveriSource is recognized as an AWS Migration and Modernization ISV Partner and is listed on the AWS Marketplace. The AveriSource Platform is comprised of five powerful products, including Scan, Inventory, Discover, Analyze, and Transform. Visit to subscribe to our newsletter and for more video content.