Proactive Data Security to Improve Ransomware Resilience

Presented by

Steve Klementowski, Principal Solutions Architect, Cyera & Dave Gruber, Principal Cybersecurity Analyst, ESG

About this talk

Organizations are increasingly aware of the threat posed by ransomware. Effective prevention and response must be based on a deep understanding of the data that attackers target. This data security intelligence serves as the cornerstone for proactive protection and informed recovery strategies. In this webinar, you will learn: - The importance of continuously identifying where your sensitive data is managed, and who can access it - How to technically prepare for a ransomware attack, by understanding your data, its protection, and calibrating your backup and retention processes - Modern technologies that security teams can use to understand their sensitive data exposures at rest and in use
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Cyera’s AI-powered data security platform gives companies visibility over their sensitive data, context over the risk it represents, and actionable, prioritized remediation guidance.
 As a cloud-native, agentless platform, Cyera provides holistic data security coverage across SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and On-premise environments.