Configuring Success: Unpacking the Essentials of Configuration Lifecycle Management - Part 2

Presented by

Razorleaf’s Stay Sharp podcast hosts Jonathan Scott and Jen Ferello, joined by CLM expert Anders Rasmussen, Senior Principal Software Developer at Configit

About this talk

This video is an episode of Razorleaf's Stay Sharp podcast. In the video they delve into the digital forefront of manufacturing. With Anders Rasmussen from ConfigIt as our guest, we peel back more layers on Configuration Lifecycle Management, exploring its impacts on business, engineering processes, and the overarching digital thread in manufacturing. They also discuss topics such as; mass customization, the role of Product Line Engineering (PLE), and supply chain management impact.
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Configit helps large manufacturers design, manufacture, sell and service highly configurable products, with higher quality at lower cost, eliminating configuration errors, while reducing time to market by up to 92%.​ As the pioneer of Configuration Lifecycle Management, Configit provides a system-agnostic SaaS solution that enables the orchestration of a shared source of truth on configuration data. ​ With its multi-patented Virtual Tabulation technology, Configit empowers manufacturers to master product complexity with unprecedented accuracy and speed.​​ Subscribe to this channel to get expert guidance and invaluable insights from thought leaders and subject-matter experts on harnessing the power of Configuration Lifecycle Management to help you master product complexity and achieve your business objectives.