Heat pumps cut costs, boost sustainability in commercial buildings

Presented by

Tunca Sekban | Honeywell Offering Manager, Commercial Buildings

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How heat pump technology and low GWP refrigerants can help commercial building owners/managers/occupiers reduce their energy costs and contribute to their sustainability goals? The decarbonisation of heating in commercial properties in Europe is probably the biggest challenge we face in the transition to net zero. Why? Because most of our heat is produced by burning fossil fuels and 80% of the buildings standing today will still be around in 2050 – meaning they will require some form of retrofit to make them energy efficient and emissions-free in the process of heating them. Building owners (both private and public) have a critical role to play, and understand in equal measure the need to act with urgency to meet Net Zero deadlines, but also the need to act with prudence to ensure the best outcomes for their occupiers whilst protecting the value of the building. In countries where there is a ban for fossil-fuel based gas boilers, the building owners or the companies occupying the buildings are looking at how to decarbonise their heating (as well as cooling means) equipment. With the right refrigerant and heat pump technology, you can reduce the energy costs of the building; avoid the reliance to natural gas supply as well as comply with upcoming regulations; and be more sustainable with lowering carbon emissions. So, what is this technology, and where do we start? Join Honeywell and a select panel of likeminded industry executives as we discuss the challenges you’re facing with your energy transition and decarbonising journey, as well as how the right clean heat solutions can help your organisation.
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The environment is top of mind. Choosing the right technologies now can have a positive impact for decades to come. Discover how Honeywell’s commitment to sustainability and resolve to use the latest science and technology is helping the world decarbonise with Solstice® HFO Refrigerants. Explore the interactive graphic below to learn how Solstice can be used in a wide range of heating and cooling applications. Honeywell believes in solutions that balance environmental protection with economics. Our low-global-warming-potential (GWP) Solstice® hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) refrigerants leverage USD$1 billion of R&D investment and a 117-year track record of innovation to help the heating and cooling industry transition to a low carbon future in a cost-effective manner, without compromising system performance. To date, Solstice refrigerants have helped avoid the potential release of the equivalent of more than 326 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, equal to the annual carbon emissions of nearly 70 million gasoline-powered passenger vehicles.