Hello North America! Mobile Banking Means Mobile Threats

Presented by

Maurits Lucas, VP of Sales Engineering & Product Marketing

About this talk

In today's mobile-first world, the shift to online, always-on, 24x7 banking continues unabated. But as customers increasingly use the online and mobile channels to interact with the bank, fraudsters follow closely behind. As banking moves to mobile, so does fraud! As we're seeing early signs of mobile malware families shifting to North America, now is a good time for a mobile threat landscape update focusing on the region. Join ThreatFabric as we shine a light on recent developments in Mobile Malware in North America, lifting the lid on malware families, their capabilities, the actors behind them, and the growing ecosystem of underground products and services that support them. Learn how victim devices get infected, and what the actors seek to do once they've infected a device. Use this knowledge to stay one step ahead of the threat.
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