Advice from the experts: Performance Engineering for Holiday Readiness

Presented by

Howard Holton, William Daniels, Lawrence Nuanez, and Ajay Pedhagandam

About this talk

It’s never too early to prepare for seasonal surges in website and app traffic, especially when performance engineers are faced with increasing application complexity and scalability requirements, the onset of the latest AI and machine learning implementations, deployments of containerized microservices, and of course – the uncertainty of staff resources and project deadlines. Join our panel of web performance experts, moderated by GigaOm CTO Howard Holton, to hear their perspective on the performance engineering best practices that can ensure a successful holiday season. Watch this webinar to learn: - How customer behavior around peak events is evolving – and how it should factor into your performance testing strategy - The key elements of a successful holiday readiness testing plan - The performance engineering techniques that can improve load time, responsiveness, and stability
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