Network Assurance provides key intelligence for DORA compliance.
To comply with the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) in six months, financial entities must establish a comprehensive understanding, control, and documentation of their digital environment; their network and cloud infrastructure are foundational to this. Today, Paul C. Dwyer (ICTTF, Cyber Risk International) and Daren Fulwell (IP Fabric) will discuss the demands of DORA, expectations from the latest Regulatory Technical Standards, and the necessary actions financial entities should take over the next six months. Daren will demonstrate how an automated network assurance platform, such as IP Fabric, can provide the visibility, validation, and evidence required to achieve and maintain compliance (and prove this to relevant parties). Additionally, Paul and Daren will explore the relationship between DORA and other relevant regulations and frameworks (e.g., NIS2, PCI-DSS), offering insights on how to meet the obligations of multiple regulations and frameworks efficiently.