Lessons from The Bullied Brain: How to Create Psychologically Safe Workplaces

Presented by

Dr. Jennifer Fraser, Author "The Bullied Brain"

About this talk

The injuries that all forms of bullying and abuse cause to brains are invisible to the naked eye, but the damage is visible on brain scans. We ignore them, fail to heal them, and they become cyclical and systemic. Now, twenty years of extensive, peer-reviewed neuroscience and neurobiology have changed our understanding and handling of psychological safety in the workplace. HR teams should consider brain science when drafting policies and procedures; doing so will improve your organization’s workplace education, investigations, and response to psychological harm and safety. Join Dr. Jennifer Fraser, award-winning author, educator and innovative strategist, as she outlines the harm done by bullying and abuse to the brain, and how you can be empowered to protect employees. Attendees will learn: • How behaviours like bullying, mobbing, harassing, and exclusion impact the brains of individuals • What organizational culture and HR leaders can learn from this to establish a healthy, happy, high-performing work experience • How a psychologically safe workplace results in talent acquisition and retention, increased employee productivity, and profits
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