Combined Power: Employee Whistleblower Hotlines & Case Management Software

Presented by

Shannon Walker, Founder of Whistleblower Security | Jakub Ficner, Case IQ

About this talk

With The Great Resignation and more organizations being held to account by employees who speak up, an ethical workplace culture is more important than ever. One way to promote workplace accountability is by implementing both a whistleblower hotline and case management software. These two systems work together to help organizations identify, investigate, manage, and prevent workplace incidents and ethics breaches. Why is having both a whistleblower hotline and case management software so important? This webinar, co-hosted by Jakub Ficner Director of Partnerships Case IQ, and Shannon Walker, Founder of Whistleblower Security, will outline the benefits of using both systems to promote trust and empower employees. Attendees will learn: - Why You Need a Whistleblower Hotline: Ethics hotlines allow employees, customers, partners, and others to report concerns and complaints in a safe way. Explore why they are crucial for every organization, and what to look for when selecting your tool. - Why You Need Case Management Software: While hotlines serve as the frontline for reporting, case management tools streamline the entire investigation process, from triage to reporting. We will discuss best practices in workplace investigations and often-overlooked issues such as system integration and document defensibility. - Why Both Systems Work Better Together: When combined, these two tools create a constructive interaction that goes beyond their individual capabilities. To handle your investigations most effectively, you will need proactive reporting, data-driven decisions and continuous improvement. Join us to get on your way to a more ethical, transparent company culture. You will gain a reputation as an ethical organization with solid corporate governance; to employees, customers, business partners, board members, and other external stakeholders.
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Investigative case management software to resolve virtually any workplace incident and prevent future vulnerabilities.