dataBelt® is a data compliance and cleansing tool available on-premise or in the cloud, used to create accurate and consistent data for error-free processing.
With dataBelt®:
- Transform every document from any source to digital, and index, classify, analyse and process them,all with dataBelt®.
- Gather and collate all digital as well as physical documents such as hard copies, information from legacy platforms like Microfiche, or even from computer paper, and digitize them.
dataBelt® takes current or historical in-bound documents such as handwritten or typed letters, notes, emails, phone call messages, articles, newspaper cuttings, photocopies, witness statements - any document - and transforms them into digital structured data.
dataBelt® can index and classify the data, understanding exactly what it is, its sensitivity level, its risks, liabilities and value, directing all data to its specified storage location.
Access can then be given via dataBelt®’s secure permissions model to the people who need it, allowing ongoing case management and analysis using dataBelt®’s sophisticated AI driven engine.
Perfect for high data consumer organisations which have historical hard copy documentation or receive high volumes of in-bound communications.
Handle all data securely, in compliance with ISO 15489 for records and documentation management/governance and ensuring digitized documents comply with BS 10008 – meeting standards for court admissible evidence.
Why use multiple solutions for separate activities when dataBelt® does it all: digitization, indexing, classification, analysis, case management.
More on dataBelt®: