dataBelt® is a data compliance and cleansing tool available on-premise or in the cloud, used to create accurate and consistent data for error-free processing.
With dataBelt®:
- Ensure your sensitive, valuable data is not hiding where it shouldn’t be
- Discover every last trace of data, including sensitive PII data, on every system, in every location
- Use dataBelt’s extensive Regex library to find text strings and search terms
- In minutes, scan hundreds of thousands of data objects from any and every system
- Organise search results by volume, data type, category, date, business unit and system
- Remediate by redacting PII data and returning cleansed data to database
- Save months of time and effort in searching and cleansing exercises
- Avoid the risk of data breaches, significant fines and reputational damage
Use dataBelt as part of your ongoing compliance activities to prevent data leakage and ensure your data is exactly where it is supposed to be.
More on dataBelt®: