With dataBelt®:
- Automate management and execution of all data protection activities, whatever the jurisdiction, including GDPR, POPIA, PI Specification, to ensure a robust data protection posture
- Discover and connect to all your data assets in any location and search for and find any data of any type, stored on any source
- Create data inventories, data relationships and determine how data flows into and out of an organisation
- Automate the receipt, documentation, progress and reporting of all data subject access requests (DSARs) within auditable case manager
- Manage consent, the right to be forgotten and freedom of information requests
- Perform data minimisation and redaction
- Auto-create breach reports, liaise with regulators and contact impacted data subjects in the event of a breach
- Understand the risks to your data, vendors and data supply chain, to ensure it is appropriately stored and protected
- Undertake data impact risk assessments of changes to data and data processing systems
- Analyse data protection metrics and view everything on the dataBelt dashboard.
More on dataBelt®: https://www.aimdatabelt.uk/