Utilities today are focused on the 3-Ds, De-Carbonization and the transition to renewable energy, De-Centralization of energy resources and infrastructure, and Digitalization, with smart systems, grids, and substation modernization.
In addition, the need to integrate the IT & OT networks puts the pressure on to increase efficiencies - but it also opens and enables a world of possibilities for the next-generation Utility, flexible to new Telco service offerings and revenue streams.
Ribbon Communications, supporting the Critical Infrastructure industry since 1961, is today at the forefront of Utility and UTelco communications solutions. Join us Wednesday, September 18th as we discuss the transition and modernization of Legacy TDM networks and how these services can be supported going forward.
Attendees will learn:
• How legacy SCADA and SONET services can coexist side by side with next-generation DWDM 100G/400G+ communications solutions - enabling more robust, reliable, and profitable operation.
• How to avoid outages and ensure traffic flow continuity and stability in the face of uncertain threats.
• How to use defense in depth in your network architecture to maintain happy customers, consistent revenue, and restful sleep