Securing the Exit Door: Identity Management for Departing Personnel

Presented by

Dan Peterson, Senior Advisor and Product Strategist, Zilla Security

About this talk

This technical talk from Zilla Security series is for anyone involved in the complex world of identity and security management. Join Dan Peterson, a product strategist at Zillow with over three decades of industry experience, as he delves into the perils of leaving application infrastructure accounts active or overlooking the existence of orphaned accounts. The talk underscores the urgency of dealing with these issues by referencing real-life incidents, such as the 2021 cyber attack on the Colonial Pipeline - Understand how Colonial Pipeline fell prey to a costly ransomware attack by neglecting to disable an inactive user account properly - Explore the limitations of traditional de-provisioning solutions and learn how incomplete coverage can lead to significant security gaps - Watch the practical demonstration of the Zillow platform's identity and security management capabilities - Learn how Zilla's platform integrates with various systems to provide comprehensive real-time visibility across the entire organization, enabling instant actions based on predefined business policies
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Zilla Security helps organizations prevent identity-related data breaches and eliminate access risk by following security and compliance best practices. It
combines cloud security and identity security, and access governance in a single comprehensive platform.