Session 2: PCI DSS 4.0: Raising the Bar

Presented by

Lou Porres, Director Cyber Risk and PCI Compliance; Jefferson Wells Cyber Risk Center of Expertise

About this talk

In today’s ever changing digital landscape, organizations must be prepared to deal with the increasing threats and risks associated with credit card transactions. Regardless of size, companies who store, process, or transmit credit card data must have the appropriate safeguards in place to protect that data. Compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is not only mandatory but essential to providing a standard and consistent framework to provide that protection. Version 4.0 of the PCI DSS framework represents the most significant upgrade in nearly a decade.  The adoption of version 4.0 will be challenging for many companies as they navigate the changes to reporting format, implementation of new controls, availability of the new “customized approach”, changes to the Self-Assessment Questionnaires, and other factors.  During this session, we will review the following topics and how they can impact readiness for PCI DSS version 4.0: -What remains consistent within the PCI DSS landscape -The key goals of PCI DSS Version 4.0 -Key changes within Version 4.0 -The “Customized Approach” -Key changes to the SAQs (Self-Assessment Questionnaires) -Preparing for Version 4.0 CPE credit available for qualifying live attendees only. You must answer at least three polling questions during the live event. CPE will be emailed to qualifying attendees within 1 week after the live event. CPE Credit: 1.0. Field of Study: Information Technology. Program Level: Beginner/Intermediate. Delivery Method: Group Internet-Based. Prerequisites/Advance Preparation: None. Elements of Engagement: Poll Questions
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