Quantum Networking solutions use a wide range of hardware components, including entangled photon sources. These critical components are essential to the process of end-to-end entanglement that underpins provably secure communications.
Michelle Chalupnik, Research Software Engineer at Aliro, and Suparna Seshadri, Research Scientist at Aliro, will explain how entangled photons are created and used in Quantum Networks.
We’ll cover the highly technical details of this essential hardware, but an extensive background in physics is NOT necessary to gain a better understanding of entangled photon sources. You will learn:
- Introduction to nonlinear optical processes and how they are used for entanglement generation
- Explanation of how spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC) and spontaneous four-wave mixing (SFWM) generate entangled photons
- A detailed discussion on SPDC and related subtopics, such as phase matching, and collinear vs non-collinear SPDC
- Hardware platforms for generating entangled photons via SPDC and SFWM.
- How a Sagnac loop-based polarization entangled source works
- What is hyperentanglement?
Organizations who are preparing their businesses, security posture, and connectivity for the evolving threat landscape are investigating how to plan, design, and implement Quantum Networking solutions today. This webinar will help prepare you to navigate the security threats of the future.