Accelerated digital transformation experienced over the past few years has seen companies and consumers struggle with the successful authentication of real world identities online. This has negatively impacted businesses and consumers alike, with frustrated consumers opting out of the onboarding process thanks to poor user experience and delays caused by the need for secure online identification.
As the digital sphere continues to grow, the days of physical documents such as social security, passports, and driving licences are behind us. The rapid growth of ecommerce and online transactions requires a new approach to identity verification and identity management. How can we balance the rate of transformation, with the need for stringent security?
Join us in this session as we discuss:
- Why the concept of identity needs to change
- What are digital identities and how will they evolve?
- How consumers can gain more control over their identity
- The impact of increasing regulations on the use of personal information, and why companies must be aware of this
- What benefits will digital identities bring to consumers and organizations?
- Why AI-based solutions are well positioned for this fundamental change in the concept of identities
- How Au10tix is using AI and its verification role in the eco system to adapt its products to work seamlessly in recognizing and authenticating digital IDs