Apache Iceberg Office Hours

Presented by

Jason, Dir of Prod MGMT, Alex, Dev Adv, Dipankar, Dev Adv, Ajantha, OSS Eng, Dmitri, Sr OSS Dev, Scott, Software Eng

About this talk

Join the Dremio developer advocacy and engineering teams for the first installment of Apache Iceberg office hours. During this time we’ll have a brief Iceberg presentation on copy-on-write vs merge-on-read in Iceberg and then lots of dedicated time for Q&A on the presented topic or any other questions or guidance you’re looking for help on in learning about Apache Iceberg or architecting your data lakehouse around Apache Iceberg. Examples of questions you can come to ask: - How can I optimize my Iceberg tables for my different use cases? - What tools will best handle my ETL job to write to Iceberg? - How can I control access to my Iceberg tables? - How can I convert data from X into an Iceberg table? - How can I get started with Iceberg in Databricks? Join us for the first installment of our regular Apache Iceberg office hours to help build your low-cost high performance data lakehouse!
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Dremio is the easy and open data lakehouse, providing self-service analytics with data warehouse functionality and data lake flexibility across all of your data. Dremio increases agility with a revolutionary data-as-code approach that enables Git-like data experimentation, version control, and governance.