As technology and security leaders set their strategy for 2023, one thing is for sure: email will continue to shift aggressively to the cloud. And for good reason, as companies stand to gain significant economic and technical benefits by moving their sending services and email servers outside the firewall.
Traditional secure email gateways are world-class at protecting your perimeter. But in today's cloud world, threats are global, and there is no longer a traditional perimeter to protect. Companies need next-generation cloud-native solutions to protect them globally.
While DMARC has been the industry standard in email authentication for over a decade, it is rarely implemented properly, providing little or no protection. Though 64% of enterprises have some sort of DMARC record, less than 20% are at DMARC enforcement, and are therefore open to spoofing and impersonation. These types of attacks are responsible for over 89% of phishing incidents, but the good news is that they can be prevented with the right approach.
Join Seth Blank, CTO of Valimail and co-chair of the IETF DMARC Working Group, to learn how leading enterprises like Uber, Fannie Mae, and Mercedes Benz have established seamless email authentication to protect brand reputation and increase consumer trust. In this session, you will learn:
What p=none, p=quarantine, and p=reject mean in terms of DMARC policies
Why not being at DMARC enforcement leaves you open for impersonation
How hackers use exact domain spoofing and similar techniques to drive 89%+ of phishing attacks
Why 65% of companies are attempting to get to DMARC enforcement today, but only 20% are successful
Please join us for a session you won’t want to miss to understand the latest developments related to email authentication, while learning how you can protect your domains to ensure trusted communications from your brand.