Inequality and inequity persist across society; individuals from various demographic groups and backgrounds continue to experience lack of social mobility as well as unfair treatment and discrimination. This is acutely apparent in the world of work, where significant group differences remain, in terms of pay, job opportunities and security, and fair and respectful treatment.
But focusing on equality alone is not enough when it comes to assessment and recruitment processes. We need to do more and strive for equitable assessment, where we genuinely level the playing field for all.
Simple, one-off solutions for promoting diversity and inclusion in assessment also fall short. Effective approaches require the right people, processes, and systems to work together to create meaningful and lasting change. The size of this task can often appear overwhelming, so ensuring HR teams have accessible and practical guidance as to how to turn intention into action is key.
During this panel discussion our in-house experts Hema Bakhshi, People & Culture Director, Dr Alan Bourne, CEO & Founder and Lucie Ilbury, Head of Client Enablement will share tangible actions your organisation can take to optimise your assessment and recruitment processes for ED&I.
We’ll discuss:
• The landscape – the breadth of the issues that organisations and individuals face.
• The role of assessment in diversity and inclusion and clarity over the business case for equitable assessment.
• Specific components of the assessment process that can threaten diversity, inclusion, and equity.
• The importance of a strategic, long-term perspective to support meaningful and sustained change.