Farewell Frankencloud, Hello HyperCloud: A New Class Of Cloud Technology

Presented by

Leigh Huntridge, Director, Regional Sales (Europe)

About this talk

Today’s CIO is tasked with an almost impossible balancing act: to grow, scale and innovate, but to do so more efficiently than ever, with skill-strapped teams in a rapidly evolving, complex technology environment. The promise of hybrid-cloud has under-delivered, leaving IT teams grappling with a complex “Frankencloud” of discrete silos of compute, network and storage, with layers of software above and teams of siloed IT specialists needed to thread it all together to make something that’s useful, secure and reliable. It’s a complexity brick wall that doesn't serve you, the customer. It’s time to forget what you thought you knew about building clouds: HyperCloud is an entirely new class of technology that enables your organisation to build and run private, hybrid and/or sovereign clouds at any scale, allowing you to provide a cloud experience to IT consumers with a fraction of the time and a fraction of the complexity than was previously possible. This means that for the first time, CIOs can now dynamically provision cloud services based on parameters including cost, performance, security or regulation, from infrastructure designed for low touch, generalist IT skills, and resilient operation. Independent of any public cloud vendor, it frees you to build the hybrid and/or multi cloud strategy that meets your objectives, with the kind of reliability, availability, elasticity and serviceability previously reserved for hyperscale cloud builders. Join us in this webinar to learn how you can use HyperCloud to: - change the rules for building and owning private & hybrid clouds - change the economics and address the IT skills crisis hampering so many cloud projects today - change the relationship with public cloud vendors, utilising their utility, but reducing spiralling and unexpected fees - deliver new levels of simplicity in achieving regulatory compliance, security & data sovereignty - Seamlessly integrate edge computing projects into your broader IT strategy
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