Operational Resilience: What Financial Services Institutions Need to Know Now

Presented by

Patrick Potter, Risk Strategist for Archer and Faye Leo, Operational Resilience Lead, EMEA for Archer

About this talk

For the past few years, regulators have been focused on the resilience (or lack thereof) of financial services institutions and with good reason. The global, regional, and personal impacts created by disruptions to this sector – including financial crises, the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical unrest, supply chain issues, competition, technology and cyberattacks -- cannot be underestimated or overlooked. While regulatory bodies have published guidance providing tactical direction and deadlines for how and when financial services institutions must become operationally resilient, compliance requires participation and cooperation across multiple functions of your organization. Establishing a common approach that enables disparate teams to act on regulatory guidance and ultimately build a resilient organization is a key challenge. Join Archer for this webinar to learn how to: • Gain a better understanding of regulatory guidance and what it means for your organization • Bring your cross-functional teams together to focus on common goals and approaches to operational resilience • Leverage Archer to help you build operational resilience
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