Leveraging Factor Investing In Your Portfolio To Generate Alpha

Presented by

Prashant Joshi, Co-Founder & Partner, Fintrust Advisors LLP

About this talk

Factor investing (FI) seeks to combine the benefits of both active and passive investing strategies. The goal is to obtain alpha (excess return of an investment relative to the return of a benchmark index), and to increase diversification at a cost lower than traditional active management, albeit marginally higher than straight index investing. Some of the factors are size, style (or value-growth), quality, yield, liquidity, volatility, and momentum. Learn what factor investing is all about and how investors can leverage FI in their portfolio to generate alpha from Prashant Joshi, Co-Founder & Partner, Fintrust Advisors LLP, in an interactive webinar on February 16, 2022, at 4 pm.
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