CISO Security Strategies for a Hybrid Workforce

Presented by

Dan Lohrmann | Earl Duby | Endré Jarraux Walls | Devin Krugly

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According to the 2021 Gartner CIO Survey, 64% of employees are now able to work from home, and two-fifths are working from home. As more companies adopt a permanent hybrid workforce, it’s a constant challenge for CISOs to keep remote workers secure and ensure secure remote access. So what are the main problems faced by CISOs today, and what tools are needed to navigate these risks? Hear from industry leaders on how they’re adapting their security strategies and learn more about how the CISO role has evolved over the last few years. Join security experts across the industry as they discuss: - What are the key security strategies and solutions to focus on - Why connected devices are a popular target for attackers - Steps for easy cyber hygiene at home and at work - CISO recommendations & best practices - What the next year has in store for security professionals Speakers: - Dan Lohrmann, Chief Strategist & CSO at Security Mentor - Earl Duby, Vice President and CISO at Lear Corporation - Endré Jarraux Walls, EVP, Chief Information Security Officer at Customers Bank - Devin Krugly, Practice Advisor of Vulnerability Risk Management at Rapid7
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