Top 5 Lessons for Enterprises Trying to Connect to the Multi-Cloud

Presented by

Benjamin Molnar, Principal Technical Marketing Engineer at Prosimo | John Burke, CIO & Principal Research Analyst at Nemertes

About this talk

Organizations are experiencing incredible frustration when it comes to cloud networking—dealing with issues such as connecting to the cloud across regions, clouds, and hybrid clouds, as well as secure access and Internet egress—it gets overwhelming quickly. Enterprises have taken different approaches to cloud networking, but largely they consider it a virtual form factor of their on-premises environments—with routing, network security, segmentation, and so on. In this webinar, we’ll walk through real-world lessons from enterprises that have successfully deployed thousands of workloads in the cloud with an innovative, simple, and clean network architecture. These lessons discuss layer-3 connectivity across multi-cloud and regions, cloud-native orchestration, and security at the right places while leveraging blueprints from AWS, Azure, and Google to your advantage. You’ll get answers to these questions and more: - What is MCN, or Multi-Cloud Networking? - What are the advantages of using the CSP backbone? - Why does a siloed, legacy network approach in the cloud hurt both application developers and consumers? - How can enterprises avoid operational headaches from deploying legacy networking within CSP networks? No fluffy “markitectures.” Just a pure technical dive into the problems to see how enterprises can create a multi-cloud network and security architecture that meets requirements for scale, performance, and automation.
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