Troy Hunt on ATO: Account Takeovers as the Hidden Threat

Presented by

Troy Hunt, Cybersecurity & Data-Breach Expert, Mike Britton, CISO, Abnormal Security, and Tom Bechtold (Moderator)

About this talk

The average cost of a data breach is now $4.24 million. And 20% of all breaches are a result of compromised credentials. What makes matters worse is that it takes an average of 250 days to realize that the compromise has even occurred, and another 91 days to contain the breach. It’s clear that account takeovers pose a significant risk to organizations and their employees. To learn more about this risk and how to best avoid it, join us for a webinar with Troy Hunt, the brains behind  He’ll sit down with Abnormal Security CISO Mike Britton to chat about questions including:  • How do account takeovers occur, both for individuals and organizations? • What can cybercriminals do once they gain access to even one email account? • Why does the number of compromises continue to grow, despite increased security measures? • What can you do to prevent your organization from becoming a victim of the next data breach? And much more. With key insights from an expert in compromised credentials, you won’t want to miss this session in the Modern Email Attacks series.
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