Think about your buyers. Buying a solution for their company is a complicated, risky proposition. To even begin a real buyer’s journey, they’ve got to be experiencing a big enough issue that it’s worth the effort. And they’ve got to be solving a big enough problem that it’s worth the resources of everyone involved. That’s the reality that you’re selling into – the difficult buying team work necessary to move from a big problem to a successful solution. By helping buyers move through this process, great content accelerates it and increases your chances of winning. So what exactly is that content? Why do most organizations struggle to produce it? And how can your team do better?
In this webinar replay from TechTarget's Virtual Event, Reach, John McNight, Senior Vice President, Research & Strategy at TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), will help you better understand and navigate the needs and challenges surrounding creating the content you need to win. He’ll cover the organization issues you face, the essential elements of the content itself, and the operationalization of a content engine that can better deliver for your prospects and your company.