NextGenBranch: the Solution to Branch Closures

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What’s the future of retail banking look like? Is it just a digital service? And no branches at all? Here at Auriga, we know the bank branch has a great future. Branches are being closed for many reasons. Changing customer habits. The convenience of digital banking. And the high operating costs. These all matter. But, cutting branches means lost services and lost connections with your customers So how to overcome the challenges? The answer is our NextGenBranch and its expanded use of smarter digital self-service banking inside the branch. Video banking, AI and automation together deliver branch banking services remotely and securely around the clock. Making branches more automated makes sense. But how do you make them more customer centric and special. This is where our WWS solutions Bank4Me and Fill4Me make the difference. Your customers are remotely assisted to complete banking operations without the need for face-to-face contact. They are assured of a personalised service. Tasks like cash deposits, bill payment, cheque cashing, bank transfers and large withdrawals are all automated and remotely guided. We’ve made our solutions modular too, letting you tailor your self-service digital offering. And of course, smarter automation creates the space to offer more face to face advisory services that customers really value, in an efficient and profitable way. This is more than a blueprint. At Auriga we are helping banks create NextGen branches worldwide today. Find out more about our NextGen Branch powered by us, shaped by you.
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For over 25 years we have been developing and creating innovative software and continue to be a reference point for the banking world. Auriga is a key player, at an international level, in the creation of proprietary software solutions, specialising particularly in Banking area, with the development of integrated platforms that have contributed in defining the standards of the new models of omnichannel banking.