Service mesh is a way to control how different parts of an application share data with one another. Unlike other systems for managing this communication, a service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer built right into an app. Most of the time it acts as a tool for adding observability, security, and reliability features to applications by inserting these features at the platform layer rather than the application layer.
Service mesh provides us a lot of out of the box capabilities like service discovery and resilience but at the same time it can also help with Observability. Observability helps us to continuously monitor the state of the application and determine what’s going on in the guts of our application, or help us detect when something goes wrong with the application. Service mesh supports collection of telemetry data especially metrics, traces and logs which are pillars of Observability and it can also collect additional important metrics.
In this episode, we will discuss how service mesh Observability works and what is the future of it with Wu Sheng who has been working on service mesh for quite a long time. We will also understand challenges and give some pointers for people who are getting started with service mesh Observability.
About Speaker:
Wu Sheng is a founding engineer at, leads the observability for service mesh and hybrid cloud. A searcher, evangelist, and developer in observability, distributed tracing, and APM. He is a member of the Apache Software Foundation. Love open source software and culture. Created the Apache SkyWalking project and is its VP and PMC member. Co-founder and PMC member of Apache ShardingSphere. Also as a PMC member of Apache Incubator and APISIX. He is awarded as Microsoft MVP, Alibaba Cloud MVP, Tencent Cloud TVP.