The State of Workforce Passwordless Authentication

Presented by

Dr Larry Ponemon, Horacio Zambrano

About this talk

Secret Double Octopus partnered with the Ponemon Institute, to conduct the largest study focused on understanding the State of Workforce Passwordless Authentication -from motivational drivers to economic efficiencies to future expectations. Join us as we discuss key findings from our 2021 pandemic-driven research project with Dr Larry Ponemon himself, Founder of the Ponemon Institute. This webinar will be interesting to all IT decision-makers and strategists, IAM team members, and anyone interested in the passwordless and MFA market. Get a copy of the report here:
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The Octopus Passwordless Enterprise™ technology is the Passwordless authentication solution for the enterprise, providing a unified user experience and a
consistent way to access workstations, remote services, cloud applications and on-prem systems.