Heard of the formula yet? Threat = Vulnerability x Exposure

Presented by

Matthew Fisch, CISSP, Founder Fort Mesa; Jagsir, Marketing Director, SecPod

About this talk

How do we manage the rising number of vulnerabilities and exposures? How can we effectively reduce the attack surface? How do you crack the vulnerability problem? These are some of the most important questions asked by IT Security teams and leaders alike, especially with cyberattacks rising over the past few years. With a significant 18% increase in the number of vulnerabilities and a 56% increase in Zero days since last year, only effective vulnerability and attack surface management can crack the vulnerability problem. Join the live webinar where we dig deeper into: 1) Combating security risks beyond CVEs 2) Answering the most important questions asked by IT Security teams and leaders 3) Cracking the exposures and vulnerability problem
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