Cybersecurity Strategies for Effective Attack Surface Reduction

Presented by

Dave Gruber, Principal Analyst at ESG | Chandrashekhar, CEO at SecPod

About this talk

An attack surface comprises of numerous vulnerable points through which an unauthorized user can gain access to the whole IT infrastructure. Minimizing the attack surface is the fundamental security strategy essential for preventing cyber attacks. To identify and remediate the potentials risks present in the organization IT assets, crucial attack surface reduction processes like vulnerability assessment, risk assessment, and risk priorization must be continuously implemented in the network. Automating these processes and managing them all from a centralized console will further reduce delays and speed up the risk mitigation process. Join us in the research-driven, live webinar led by Dave Gruber, Principal Analyst, ESG, and Chandrashekhar, CEO, SecPod, where they discuss the Crucial Cybersecurity strategies necessary to mitigate risks and manage attack surfaces more effectively. In this webinar, you will learn - - About Attack surfaces and risks - Strategies to minimize the attack surface - Methods to speed up risk mitigation
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