The software industry is evolving, with end users demanding more control over how they purchase and consume software.
In the last episode of the Software Monetization for the SaaS era series, Software Monetization expert, Darim Rahmatallah explores this seismic shift, and discusses how you can enable a more SaaS like experience with your on-prem offerings. Darim will be joined by Dean Bass, Product Development Director, Oxford Instruments, as they discuss why you cannot shift to a SaaS delivery overnight and how a connected licensing solution will enable your customers to gain more value from your products and future proof your business.
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Darim Rahmatallah , Senior Product Manager, Thales Software Monetization
Darim is the unique breed who possesses both the deep technical expertise and the ability to explain that technology in dynamic terms for the lay person. He has been involved in software monetization/licensing for over two decades. Having started his career in pre- and post-sales support, Darim then moved to the product management side of the business. He is currently responsible for guiding the Thales Software Monetizing product strategy and roadmap, along with maintaining an effective product identity. You will find him to be a riveting speaker not to be missed.
Dean Bass, Product Development Director, Oxford Instruments
Dean has over 20 years of industry acumen in guiding high tech R&D organisations towards strategic development and portfolio management. Currently managing a team of over 80 scientists and engineers for the NanoAnalysis business, he is responsible for driving People and Change Leadership within the organisation. His Program and Project Leadership expertise has allowed him to accelerate his team to new levels of performance through a combination of business analysis, process re-engineering, and change leadership skills.
Date: Feb 21, 2023