Credit Card Fraud: What the Dark Web Fraudsters Don’t Want You to Know

Presented by

Stanislav Alforov (Director, Fraud Research) & Sam Langrock (Product Marketing Manager)- Recorded Future

About this talk

Dark web criminals steal revenue from financial organizations through credit card fraud. While this is well known, criminals often expose their operations through operational weaknesses and the nature of criminal marketplaces. This webinar was run by the Recorded Future Card Fraud Division (Stanislav Alforov & Sam Langrock). They took deep dive into the murky underground of credit card fraud, showed attendees it works, and how they can save millions of dollars through intelligence. This webinar covered: • How fraudsters use e-skimmer infections to gather and sell stolen credit cards • The nature of criminal marketplaces, and how they expose their operations • Why card fraud intelligence is the answer for shortening fraud mitigation cycles, limiting client exposure and cutting reputational damage
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