Join us for an exclusive webinar as we delve into KPMG's successful implementation of SAP LeanIX as a pivotal element in its Enterprise Architecture (EA) transformation strategy. Learn how the EA team has leveraged SAPLeanIX’s agile Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) approach to effectively manage and optimize an extensive application portfolio, containing around 1,000 applications.
Key Highlights:
-Agile Management: Explore how KPMG has incrementally managed its vast application portfolio using SAP LeanIX’s agile approach, and best practices for creating application roadmaps divided into portfolios.
-Customization: Discover how the flexibility of SAP LeanIX has been utilized to enhance the metamodel, customizing and adding attributes and factsheet types to meet the firm’s unique needs.
-Strategic Conversations: Understand how SAP LeanIX has elevated discussions with business stakeholders, transitioning from solution-oriented technical designs to tactical and strategic conversations.
-Future-State Planning: Learn about the planning of future states, considering dependencies and leveraging new capabilities like AI.
-Optimization Initiatives: See how these conversations support technology landscape optimization initiatives, reducing the risk of duplicate IT investments.