What would your Basis team do with more time available to them?
Do they need more time to plan for S/4HANA, Cloud or RISE with SAP?
Automate what they do today to give the team the time to plan, transform, learn and future proof the business.
Common SAP technical operations challenges can be automated with flexible 'out of the box' templates for system refreshes, kernel patching, Hot News, and many more to save time and resources and improve consistency with fewer errors.
Join us for this next webinar in our series where we will go through an example SAP customer and discuss the value of automating everyday operations to future proof your business.
Tyler Constable, Head of Solution Engineering, Avantra
Tyler manages the global solution engineering team at Avantra. He has more than 15 years of experience managing SAP Basis operations at various companies.
Cheng Hang, Solutions Engineer, Avantra
Cheng works with companies of all shapes and sizes with one thing in common, they all are SAP customers with operations challenges. He has more than 10 years of SAP operations experience working with companies, such as Toro and NTT.