Code coverage measures how much of an application’s source code is tested through various methods, such as unit testing, manual testing, and automated functional testing. Code coverage percentage goals can be subjective. The thoroughness of the coverage in safety-critical systems depends on the application safety integrity level (SIL) metric used in different industries and the development assurance level (DAL) commonly used in avionics. In building safety-critical applications where failure may cause death, regulatory and industry standards require 100% structural code coverage.
Join this webinar to learn best practices and see a live demo. We’ll show you structural code coverage for statement, branch, MC/DC, automated reporting, and discuss the following:
• How much coverage should you achieve?
• How do you decide the code structural thoroughness of the coverage?
• What’s the best way to satisfy this task?
• What to do when you need to combine coverage from third-party libraries?
• How to perform code coverage on target hardware?
• What action should you take when instrumentation causes excessive code bloat?