Providing a safe pair of hands for clients in vulnerable circumstances

Presented by

Robin Melley, Chartered Financial Planner. Matrix Capital

About this talk

This session is designed to challenge the thinking around consumer vulnerability and the perceptions that the terminology can lead to. Robin takes us through the key points of the regulation and translates these into practical action that you can take. Using the principles of the Financial Vulnerability Taskforce charter, he discusses ways to apply your technical and business know-how alongside the skills needed to provide a ‘safe pair of hands’. In particular, this session will explore ways to recognise and combat financial abuse and includes a case study which Robin will refer to. By viewing this session, you’ll be able to: - Understand the principles of the Financial Vulnerability Taskforce Charter - Recognise areas of financial abuse and coercion and how to respond - Understand the key areas of knowledge required to assist later life clients and their families
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