This video will show you how easy it is to migrate live running Linux server from VMware ESX to Exoscale Cloud.
We're using Carbonite Migrate to make a real time copy of a live Ubuntu 20.04.6 virtual machine currently running on a VMware ESX and replicating it to a virtual machine we have previously provisioned in Exoscale Cloud. A video showing how to install and configure the target virtual machine can be found here:{{lead.Id}}&utm_source=OpenTextCybersecurityEMEA&utm_medium=brighttalk&utm_campaign=609766
Downtime is kept to the absolute minimum. Installation, configuration and the mirroring (synchronisation) of the server, it's configuration, applications and data, all take place while the source ESX virtual machine remains live, and it's only for the last couple of minutes at the end, when the ESX source server is shutdown and the new Exoscale server is started up, which typically takes less than 2 minutes.
The same type of migration could be performed for other Linux Environments (Red Hat, CentOS, SUSE, Oracle Enterprise Linux, Rocky) or Windows (2003, 2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2012R2, 2016, 2019, 2022). These servers could be physical, virtual or cloud, and they could be running pretty much any application.