Be Data Profitable: From What to Why

Presented by

Tyler Wilis, Mindi Grissom, Whitney Meer

About this talk

In order to reach true data profitability, businesses need to go deeper than surface-level insights. Dashboards do a great job of telling us “what” is going on in a business but rarely do they help connect the dots to the “why”. Join Unsupervised CoFounder and COO, Tyler Wilis, Director of Product Marketing, Mindi Grissom, and our guest speaker, Product Manager, Whitney Meer, as they show you how to get deeper insights out of your data by ditching the dashboard and leveraging Data Capitalization Management to find the why behind your insights.
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Unsupervised uses AI to automate analytics and reveal super-specific insights without slicing and dicing reports and dashboards. With clear insights at your fingertips, your business teams can improve conversions, decrease costs, optimize channels and drive revenue.