Cyber Risk Reporting to the Board: A Step by Step Playbook

Presented by

Padraic O'Reilly, Founder & Chief Innovation Officer, CyberSaint | John Wheeler, Founder & CEO, Wheelhouse Advisors

About this talk

In recent years, the role of CISOs has witnessed a profound evolution, marked by a significant expansion in their responsibilities and a heightened level of interest from Boards. This heightened attention has resulted in a more rigorous examination of their performance and actions in safeguarding organizations against cyber threats. Additionally, the introduction of the SEC Cyber Rules has further accentuated the need for CISOs and security leaders to adapt to a new landscape of mandated cyber reporting, effective disclosure practices, and the alignment of cyber strategies with the stringent guidelines set forth by the SEC. Our upcoming webinar offers a unique opportunity to delve into the core dynamics of this shifting paradigm. Presented by John Wheeler, a former Gartner Analyst, and Padraic O'Reilly, Co-founder and CPO of CyberSaint, this webinar promises to be an invaluable resource for CISOs, security leaders, and anyone interested in the evolving landscape of cyber risk reporting and management. Our presenters will draw from their wealth of experience and expertise to explore the nuances of navigating the complex realm of mandated cyber reporting. They will also provide indispensable guidance on crafting presentations tailored specifically for Boards—informative and defensible presentations in the context of evolving cyber risk landscapes. A central feature of this webinar will be utilizing real-world examples, demonstrating how organizations have successfully navigated the intricate terrain of board reporting using the cutting-edge CyberStrong platform.
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