Oftentimes, agile is seen as “too unstructured” to succeed in highly-regulated environments. However, there is still a need to be able to create a resilient organization that can sense and respond to challenges and opportunities in the marketplace. As we saw in 2020, some organizations were able to weather the disruption and innovate while others fell away. How did the successful ones manage to not get bogged down in bureaucracy, red tape, regulation and stagnation often found at companies in highly-regulated environments?
Our panelists will discuss how it is possible for even the most regulated companies to still see benefits from “going agile” – and how the right approach might even protect them from high-impact new regulations disrupting the flow of business, missed opportunities and more.
We recommend this webinar for anyone that works in highly-regulated environments such as healthcare, banking or other environments who is interested in learning how they can become more resilient.
Anthony (Tony) Akins, Senior Enterprise Architect - Agile Coach, Enterprise Studio
• Experienced in using rapid iterative and incremental approaches to building systems and solutions since the mid 1980's.
• Worked and consulted in highly regulated development environments (including NASA, DOD, FDA, insurance, and banking)
Robert L. Read, PhD, Founder, Public Invention; Senior Advisor, Skylight Digital
• Has led Agile software development teams and Agile workshops since 2000,
• As a Presidential Innovation Fellow and co-founder of 18F, brought Agile techniques and workshops to the Federal government,
• Has recently worked in non-profits developing medical products that will require FDA clearance