For any startup founder looking for the next stage of growth, understanding why VCs say ‘no’ is as important as why they say ‘yes’. In partnership with Sifted Talks, will discuss everything you need to know to understand the VC mindset. You will learn in this webinar: • What does a VC's deal flow funnel look like? How many prospects make it from cold email to the investment committee? • How many startups do VCs turn down per week, and what are the top reasons? • How should founders prepare to increase their chances of getting a ‘yes’? Speakers: - Zoë Chambers, Principal, Octopus Ventures - Camilla Mazzolini, Principal, Firstminute Capital - Dave Rosenberg, Head of Marketing, Business Development & Private Equity EMEA - Michael Stothard, Editor & Moderator, Sifted