HOT TOPIC Income: A global approach to sustainable growth

Presented by

Ryan Hughes, Jon Bell, Ian Mortimer, Harry Richards

About this talk

Ryan Hughes, Head of Active Portfolios at AJ Bell will be discussing Income and casting the net wider with a global approach to sustainable growth. He will be joined by Jon Bell, Portfolio Manager at BNY Mellon, Dr Ian Mortimer, Portfolio Manager at Guinness Asset Management and Harry Richards, Fund Manager at Jupiter Asset Management. The discussion will travel the globe and answer questions including: Outside of the UK, which stockmarkets have a tradition of rewarding shareholders with attractive dividends? In tough market conditions, where can investors find sustainable and growing income? What’s the current outlook for income and growth in emerging markets? How can post-Brexit Europe contribute to an income portfolio? Some of the biggest dividend payers globally are in relatively unloved sectors, such as financials, energy and healthcare. How is disappointing growth impacting pay-outs?
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